Youth Soccer Grades 1-6

Northwest Kiwanis has proudly sponsored a youth recreational soccer program for 51 years in the communities of Upper Arlington, Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff for Grades 1-6 for students who live or attend school in this Tri-Village Area. 

REGISTRATION OPEN HERE:  Closes Saturday, March 15, 2025

SUNDAY GAMES: Between 12:00 – 4:00 PM; April 6, April 13, April 20 (Easter, No Games,) April 27, May 4, May 11, May 18

Like our Facebook page for game day updates and weather cancellations:  Northwest Kiwanis Youth Soccer

Links to SCHEDULES Spring 2025:        Coming Soon!

Links to LEAGUE RULES Spring 2025:  Bantam I (BI)      Bantam II (BII)     Intermediate (INT)

Links for MAPS:   All Parks Locations   

Northwest Kiwanis Park    Buck Park     Thompson Park     Sunny 95 Park


There are three leagues open to children who are in grades 1-6 in Fall 2024 and who live or go to school in Upper Arlington, Grandview Heights, or Marble Cliff.  Bantam I League – Grades 1 & 2, Bantam II League – Grades 3 & 4, and Intermediate League – Grades 5 & 6.  Games are held on Sunday afternoons and played in Upper Arlington and Grandview Heights Parks. Northwest Kiwanis Youth Soccer is a recreational soccer league that stresses the fun and fundamentals of soccer. We are open to players of all soccer skill levels.  Practice schedules, including skill drills and practice games, are determined by each team’s coach. Teams are assigned by gender.  All attempts are made to group players with children from the same school or neighborhood, however this is not always possible.  

Youth who played on a team in the Fall 2024 session will use their same shirt and ball and remain on their same team for Spring 2025.  If a replacement shirt is needed, there is a link for shirt replacement ($10) on the registration site.

The fee for new players for the Spring 2024 session only is $50/player.  You will be assigned to a team from the Fall session that needs additional players and will receive a team shirt, a soccer ball, paid referees and, weather permitting, 6 games.  There are no makeup games.

Registration for the Fall 2024 Session includes Spring 2025 Session _____________________________________________________________________

Grades 1-6 Youth Soccer – There are three leagues open to children who are in grades 1-6 in Fall 2023 and who live or go to school in Upper Arlington, Grandview Heights or Marble Cliff. The program has a 7-game Fall 2023 season and 6-game Spring 2024 season, weather permitting. Games are held on Sunday afternoons and played in Upper Arlington and Grandview Heights Parks. Northwest Kiwanis Youth Soccer is a recreational soccer league that stresses the fun and fundamentals of soccer. We are open to players of all soccer skill levels. Practice schedules, including skill drills and practice games, are decided on by each team’s coach. Teams are assigned by gender. All attempts are made to group players with children from the same school or neighborhood, however this is not always possible.  Coaches are parents who volunteer to coach their child’s team and are contacted by the league coordinator to coach their child’s team.

This program is open to boys and girls who are currently in 1st or 2nd grade. Boys games will be held at Northwest Kiwanis Park in Upper Arlington. Girls games are held at Ray Buck Park in Grandview Heights. Location and times of practices will be decided on by the coach. Shin and mouth guards are recommended for the Bantam I League but are not required. No jewelry may be worn during this program, including pierced earrings. Players will remain on the same team for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Sessions. Spring Session additions are assigned to a team from the Fall based on space available.

This program is open to boys and girls who are currently in 3rd or 4th grade. Games will be held at Thompson Park in Upper Arlington. We are open to players of all soccer skill levels. Practice schedules, including skill drills and practice games, are decided on by the coach. Shin and mouth guards are recommended for the Bantam II League but are not required. No jewelry may be worn during this program, including pierced earrings. Players will remain on the same team for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Sessions. Spring Session additions are assigned to a team from the Fall based on space available.

This program is open to boys and girls who are currently in 5th or 6th grade. Games will be held at Sunny 95 Park in Upper Arlington. Location and times of practices will be decided on by the coach. We are open to players of all soccer skill levels. Shin and mouth guards are required for the Intermediate League. No jewelry may be worn during this program, including pierced earrings. Players will remain on the same team for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Sessions. Spring Session additions are assigned to a team from the Fall based on space available.

WE NEED YOU! Volunteer Coaches: Our program is dependent on volunteer parent coaches. Our goal is to have a group of coaches for each team. If you would like to volunteer, you can indicate your interest on the registration form as you are signing up your child. Working with children is one of the most gratifying ways to spend your time, so please consider volunteering to be a head or assistant coach of your child’s team.  Parents will only be able to head coach one of their children’s teams.  For everyone’s safety coaches will be subject to an online background check and must complete the concussion training required by the state of Ohio before coaching a team.

Northwest Kiwanis will be responsible for following compliance with best practices and the Responsible Restart Ohio guidelines published by the Ohio Department of Health.


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