A yearly event conducted at Ray Buck Park on Goodale Ave. that benefits the handicapped and mentally challenged. Easter Eggs are hidden throughout the park and the participants hunt down the Easter Eggs for prizes. Chaperones and assistants are provided by members of Kiwanis to aid the hunters in the quest to find all the eggs.
In 2014 the annual Northwest Kiwanis Easter Egg hunt included about 20 participants and caregivers. The event was held at the Upper Arlington’s Northwest Park on Saturday, April 19.
Each participant received a gift card to McDonalds in addition to a basket for collecting eggs and participation in the hunt. About 20 dozen “real Easter eggs” were found. Our thanks are extended to Peggy Janotka because she donated donated the McDonalds gift cards. Our guests were recruited from local agencies; many thanks to Barb Williamson for helping to contact the agencies.
The image above is from the 2014 event.