Rain-out Policy

Rain-out Policy Youth Soccer:  We do not have any rain dates scheduled for the Grade 1-6 Youth Soccer, so there will be no make-up games.  The decision to cancel any or all of the games will be decided by 11am on Sunday, and your coach will be contacted.  You will receive the information from your coach, or through a calling tree set up by your team.

Rain-out Policy – K.I.D.S. and Soccer Buddies:  Because of the number of children in the K.I.D.S. and Soccer Buddies Programs, we cannot call you to advise you if a session has been canceled.  If it is POURING down rain, we will not meet that week.

If you are not certain whether a session will be held or not, we suggest that you come by Thompson Park to find out. If the shelter house doors are open, the session will be held.  If the shelter house doors are closed, the session will have been cancelled.  A make-up session will be held, if possible.

It is possible that one league will be cancelled but the others will NOT, depending on the status of the fields.  Light rain in the morning does not mean afternoon games are automatically cancelled.  Different parks have different drainage, which can control whether Upper Arlington/Grandview close a specific park or if our coordinators decide the field quality is too low to play.  If you have kids in multiple leagues, do not assume that all games will be cancelled unless you receive notification from all coaches.